Asbestos Project Designer Online Refresher
This course is in accordance with all requirements of 40 CFR 763 under TSCA TITLE II (AHERA), Texas Asbestos Health Protection Rules, and qualifies the individual as a NESHAP trained person.
The project designer refresher training course is one day in length. No end of the course examination is given. The course addresses:
(1) background information on asbestos;
(2) potential health effects related to asbestos exposure;
(3) overview of abatement construction projects to include clearance of the project area;
(4) safety system design specifications, including written sampling rationale for air clearance;
(5) field trip;
(6) employee personal protective equipment;
(7) additional safety hazards;
(8) fiber aerodynamics and control;
(9) designing abatement solutions and written project design;
(10) budgeting/cost estimation;
(11) writing abatement specifications;
(12) preparing abatement drawings;
(13) contract preparation and administration;
(14) legal/liabilities/defenses;
(15) replacement;
(16) role of other consultants;
(17) occupied buildings;
(18) how to accomplish a complete visual inspection; and
(19) relevant federal, Texas, and local regulatory requirements.
Asbestos Inspector, Management Planner, Air Monitoring Technician