Asbestos Management Planner Initial

This course is in accordance with all requirements of 40 CFR 763 under TSCA TITLE II (AHERA), Texas Asbestos Health Protection Rules, and qualifies the individual as a NESHAP trained person.


The management planner course consists of two days of training, and has as a prerequisite, the three-day asbestos inspector course. Persons seeking to be licensed as management planners must successfully complete the training for inspectors, plus the asbestos management planner course. The course includes a written examination consisting of 50 multiple choice questions. Successful completion of the course must be demonstrated by achieving a score of at least 70% correct on the written examination. The course addresses:

(1) course overview;
(2) evaluation and interpretation of survey results;
(3) hazard assessment;
(4) legal implications;
(5) evaluation and selection of control options;
(6) role of other professionals;
(7) developing an operations and maintenance (O&M) plan; and
(8)regulatory review; and
(9) recordkeeping for the management planner;
(10) assembling and submitting of a management plan;
(11) financing abatement actions; and
(12) course review and manual


Asbestos Inspector Initial Course
Associate's Degree